What do you guys think? Should I stop submitting to Newgrounds for like.. 3-5 months and just dedicate myself to making an entire album? I'd love to hear some input by the NG community.
I use FL Studio
Age 34, Male
Coal City, IL
Joined on 12/26/05
Well I can see the previous commenter really put some thought into your question.
As far as I'm concerned, you really don't need to leave to put together good work. However, if you want to create a cohesive set of works without the rabble having too much influence on what you want, that is your prerogative as the artist.
From my perspective, you've got talent, use it as you wish.
I'll miss your stuff though! (More orchestral pieces!)
3-5 months w/o muzak would suck, so make a GOOD album ^_^
YESH PL0X. Make some sweet orchestral trance pieces and some nasty club songs! Your awesome at makin' those genres ^^ Even if we have to BUY your album, i'd do it =D! (Noooooo make it free! XD).
Oh yeah if you stop submitting for a few months, YOUD BETTER BE ON MSN MORE >:D
Hahah good luck if you decide to do the album. I vote YES, make a KICKASS album.
yeah, that sounds good.
Hey btw i made a remix of Intercept if you wanna hear it come to my profile and check it out aight! thanks alot!
Bahdshah, C'mon man! You just took my song and added some filters and cut it up here and there! That's very disappointing..
I think that's a GREAT idea, but it's your choice. And ajgourlie is a fag. :D
I think you need to get a record deal. I played your songs at a school rave.. and.. it was incredible man.
i thought you said you were going to make an album last year...?
R uz serious this time?
Well I love hearin your stuff hear on NG but if you wanna create an album go for. Just please don't forget about us =]
I would do it. Im making an album and I am nowhere near as good as you. Your good enough to be making money off your stuff, but remember, ITS NOT ABOUT THE MONEY!!!
...Yes it acually is XD
Then they will forget you! Don't.
Who's gonna buy it/How are they going to buy it? A label!?
Yourmuscie is very good i can see why you want to do it i i think that choice is in your hand should you not be able to decide let a friend or decide via a coin but the coice is your i like youto stay doing it on ng for free and the pres commenter is just a foul gettign his five secs of fame being s reaetrad and remmber t about bragging right and socail stas as well as the money just dont end up a pomums twat like some of the others in the muscie wolrd i will miss your muscie though if you do keep up the good work man :D
may bad ment the first sorry if you read this kr1z
I love your Halloween song Naty! You must make moar musik like that...now! >:(
Also I think you need to make another one like Orchestral Angels 2 and Beginning Of Time, for me, your best songs!
Check out your old hits, maybe you could get some inspiration, and when you make your song dedicate it to me :D XD jk
Hello Nate , man , i love all you stuff , and i hope you get success as a DJ because you are so fucking GOOD!!!! I think is a good idea of the album is good ;)
Sincerely :
One of the members of the SYCKODELICUS! TEAM , XD.
Naaa i love ur stuff man, it would be like... i dont know but i freaking love ur stuff man xD
do it. but make sure its epic ass hell. ^.^
i think it should have flow between songs, transition. a quiet outro leads to a quiet intro.
and it should be like a show. songs build up leading to a epicenter of bass. near the end of the album or near the middle. O.o the main attraction of the album. the one song to rock my cock out.
thats my ambition.... for you to fulfill. =_+
im also drinking WAY TO MANY MONSTER energy drinks.
so im a bit too excited. +_+
good luck jedi of electronica.
oh yea, and my point and arguement as to why you should make a album?
you could make a lot of money selling your album through the NG store.
like, alot of money. print up a epic album cover, have a artist here on NG make one for you.
(see art forums) (make shure to use good printer paper -_^ )
I know putting your music out there for free is a great feeling, but you'll be supporting NG and making money in the process. i know being an artist can be rough on the finances.
this is an amazing idea that i think you should exploit. for yourself and NG.
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